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Jackson and the family seemed to have had a wonderful Christmas. He and Rylie have more toys and gift than they know what to do with. Ash says they need to build on a room to their house for all their new things. Thank you to everyone involved! Jackson, Matt, and Ashley are going to the Colt's game Sunday. They play "the fire team," as Jackson would say. They have tickets by the tunnel and get to go on the field to give high fives to the players as the come on the field. He's very excited!
This week started week 3 of radiation and the physician is slowly decreasing Jackson's steroids. The steroids are making Jackson very cranky so Ashley and Matt are praying he cheers up a little once the dose is decreased. Rylie is cutting teeth and is cranky as well, so they have their hands full.
Lindsay and Jessica are working on putting Tshirts together (adult and child sizes available). I’m hoping we can put and order in soon. I am not sure about pricing at this time but If you would like one, email us at jacksonsjourney@comcast.net. I will have more details soon and hopfully an order form on this website if your willing to pay shipping. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy New Year!!

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